The Mediterranean Youth Council is an assembly of 40 young Mediterraneans committed to defend the voice of the Mediterranean youth.
It is made up of young and dynamic people from all over the Mediterranean region, from Kosovo to Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Spain, Italy and France.
“For us, the Mediterranean Youth Council is an opportunity to make our ideas heard, to pass on messages through common actions but also to engage in a dialogue with local, regional and national authorities in our respective countries.”
José Juan, MYC co-president
The MYC was officially installed on February 7th as part of the Forum for the Mediterranean Worlds which took place in Marseille on February 7th and 8th 2022.
The transversal issue chosen by the members for 2022 is : “Building tomorrow : Youth preparation for the future”.
What’s next?

8th October
3rd installation in Santa Severa (Italy)
with the Lazio Region.
Presentation of our official declaration.
17-26th October
Med’Action Festival!
Simultaneous and online actions around the Mediterranean in order to exchange and act for the environment, gender equality, against discrimination etc.
You can also apply to participate in the clean-ups and actions organized by Art for clim’act and Blue Future.
Do you want to join us ?