Blue Future
To the end, this data will help to define measures for plastic pollution reduction to deal at a local, national and international level.
This project is declining in 7 activities managed in 2022-2023 in three trends: research, creation of measuring tools and implementation of cleaning actions.
24th and 25th of May 2022
Co-creation lab from 5:00pm to 7:30pm :
A co-creation lab has been organized on line the 24th and 25th of May 2022 from 5:00pm to 7:30pm.
These meetings allow exchanges between activists and scientists from Egypt, France, Lebanon, Algeria and other Mediterranean countries in order to establish a stock of the situation about coastal and navy pollution in the Mediterranean. Present associations and activists will identify what are their needs in order to improve the fight against Mediterranean sea pollution and actively take part in the drawing up of research criteria and/or sharing of data collection tools. During these exchanges, proposals can be done in the frame of simultaneous action participation in the Mediterranean next October.
24th of May: plastic pollution in the Mediterranean sea: sharing of expertise by Egyptian and French scientists.
25th of May: actions managed for environmental protection: presentation by our activist associates, two data collection tools by our associative associates and collective thinkings about improvements to give in actions and adaptation of the tools.
end of June 2022
Three French structure representatives (Les Têtes de l’Art, MerTerre and Plastic Odyssey) meet local Egyptian authorities leaders to establish an action plan that includes ideas suggested by co-creation lab participants. A definitive frame will be made about the structure of the research to lead.
June-September 2022
Local meetings
Local meetings to prepare and monitor (festival) environmental actions that will take place in October.
17th to 26th of October 2022
Festival for environment
A major action of awareness (cleaning and artistic activities, workshops, conferences, etc.) will simultaneously take place online and in 14 countries around the Mediterranean, in partnership with AJCM CMJ and Art for Clim’Act. This event will be the opportunity to test our data collection tools and reunite several associations and activists around a collective action in order to have more impact and visibility.
October to November 2022
Result analysis
Analysis of collected data for advocacy.
November 2022 to January 2023
Sharing and dissemination
of the results in the Mediterranean and Marseille with visit and participation of Egyptian associates.
- A mobile exhibition that brings together solutions found around the world to avoid plastic pollution.
- Exploration training workshops open to all, to get involved at your own level against plastic pollution.
- A humanities research programme to find a way out of our plastic addiction.