
To mobilize around the AJCM:

1. Mobilizes around you: together it goes further!
Uses the flyer of presentation below to mobilize adults referents of the educational establishment or associations in connection with youth that you frequent (teachers, principals, referents of the schoolgirl life Council, recommended Education principals, educators, animators…).
They can bring you their support and mobilize the resources of their structure (dissemination of information, meeting… rooms ready).
These adults can share the same values as you around the idea of a Mediterranean solidarity citizenship worn by young players in their future. They are often excited to accompany young carriers of this initiative!

2. Makes you want: the enthusiasm is CONTAGIOUS!
Educates your friends and other young people of your academic or associative entourage through times of Exchange on your motivations around the AJCM, makes share them your enthusiasm using video media


3. Act and the buzz!
Create events (beach cleaning, evening debate, film screenings, cultural exchanges, meals…)  share them on your social networks and facebook AJCM.
You can also mobilize associations specialized on the theme that you selected so that they bring you their expertise and support.
You can wear a larger AJCM initiative. By 2016, it is the theme of the protection of the Mediterranean coast which has been chosen, with concrete:
-awareness-raising actions: ongoing SVT by animations and exhibitions (ex. (: waste at sea) in your institution or your association or outside…
-action field of cleaning of the beaches of the coast everywhere in the Mediterranean may 14, 2016
For this action the AJCM relies on the expertise and assistance of the Surfrider Foundation